Sufyan Belhoche

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Happy Alpaca Branding

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Let's get this straight: The overwhelming cuteness of an Alpaca cannot be denied. Exploring the perfect Brand Identity for a Fair Trade body-care startup, the Alpaca crossed my mind repeatedly. One reason may be that my friends send me pictures of them on a daily basis and the other, that an animal often perfectly supports a brand’s identity.


Starting with the name, I created custom hand-written letters. This not only allows for a unique look but also adds to the warm and friendly feel of the branding image. As colouring each letter individually can look great, it has to be done with precision and an eye to detail. A balanced color palette is key to a vibrant and colourful typeface.

In a world that asks for ever-changing adaption, a functional branding needs to be exactly this: adaptable.

Focus on the product

A brands identity needs to be strong in order for it to succeed. What's as important as the brand’s message is how it’s corporate design fits to the overall product.

As a relaxing skin care is well complemented by light colours, the overall aesthetics were key for the logo to functionally add to the product.

For enquires, questions and more please feel free to contact me.